Photographing Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority 2012

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I recently had the opportunity to document Alpha Gamma Delta's Bid Day reception. A co-worker of mine and advisor of the AGD chapter at Ball State connected me with this opportunity. My full-time job is in the Greek world, doing marketing and communications, so I am familiar with Fraternity and Sorority life. However, you will never get use to a group of 90+ women full of excitement.

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'Bid Day' is basically recruitment day, where new women are admitted into the Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority, this is something all Sororities do. So I was asked to document the evening, taking photos of the women in their different groups, with different AGD items such as giant letters, signs, etc. They ended the event by going around a giant circle they formed and introducing themselves. It was interesting to be a part of what is a very monumental event for most of them. I am once again thankful for the opportunity to experience a different aspect of college life, the Greek world.

-The Media Buff