Disney Monorail Spica!
Recently, I was asked to do a paint job for my friend, Andrew. He was creating a "Spica Chair" for his niece, who recently had hip surgery. A "Spica Chair" is a chair specifically designed for children from the age of 12 months old who are in plaster casts following hip surgery and require supportive seating. This Spica Chair, however, was designed differently than many seen out there now. It was different because the design and paint job mirrored the Walt Disney Worlds Monorail System!
Andrew's sister and brother-in-law are HUGE Disney fans. So naturally their daughter should have a Spica Chair that resembled something Disney related. What better way to represent Disney and mobility than to design this Spica Chair after their famous Monorail System??

Initially, I did some mock ups of the design, asking Andrew if it could be shaped in such a way as to accommodate the design I mocked up. After a tiny bit of tweaking we came up with the side shape. He then built the side panels and windshield then handed them off to me. I proceeded to paint the finalized design onto the Spica Chair sides and windshield. It took a couple of days to complete the paint job, but the end result is ridiculously awesome looking.
Hannah was VERY pleased with her Monorail Spica Chair. I'm thankful for the opportunity to help out little Hannah even in the slightest. She should now be able to have a better recuperation experience through being able to sit up properly in a sweet Spica Chair!
Check out some more images of the Monorail Spica Chair painting production and little Hannah below.
-The Media Buff