Dustin's T-Shirt
Recently, my good friend Dustin got married! Long before that he asked me to be his Best Man. Part of my Best Man duties were of course to plan the bachelor party! Being the creative type, I tried to think of all the things I could do to make his party memorable. One such idea was to produce a t-shirt for all the guys.
I was searching around Pinterest (yes I'm on Pinterest) and I came across a shirt that inspired me to create Dustin's t-shirt!
First I had to come up with our own version. I mocked up a draft of the text for the shirt. The text read, "Dustin LaFollette is the Coolest Person I Know". I then connected with my friend Andrew. He's a fellow graphic designer and the guy I asked to help screen-print the design! Once he helped me determine the look of the final wording, he had it printed on screen-print material. We then scheduled a day to screen-print. I picked up a bunch of cheap t-shirts from Target in the same color for the groomsmen and friends, and then got Dustin's shirt in a different color.
At this point, we brought in another fellow designer and screen-print expert, Stew Forrest, to help with production of the t-shirts. I had never been a part of any screen-printing before, so it was interesting to see how it all worked. I helped set the shirts up while Stew and Andrew squeegeed the ink onto the shirts.
After a few days of drying, I picked up the shirts and brought them to the bachelor party. Dustin was embarrassed and honored by the shirts, so I'd say they were a hit! Check out images from the production below.
-The Media Buff