Sarah + Josh: 11-14-2015

Church 'Cell Group' in High School, circa 1998. L-R, our leader Jen, Sarah, Leslie, me, Andrew.

Church 'Cell Group' in High School, circa 1998. L-R, our leader Jen, Sarah, Leslie, me, Andrew.

This past Fall (2015) my wife and I had the pleasure of filming the wedding of Josh and Sarah Ricks!

I've known Sarah for almost 20 years now, and it's hard for me to believe it's been that long! We got to know each other through Eagle Alliance Church in Indianapolis (now Eagle Church). Through Eagle and while in High School, we attended youth group, several youth events, and 'Cell Group' - through all that I got to know Sarah and her family more. Since then, we've all stayed connected throughout the years, bonding over Sci Fi, movies, comedy and everything in between.

So after all those years of knowing Sarah, it was pretty neat to see her find Josh and for the two of them to get engaged!

The Harshbargers and Ricks 2015.

The Harshbargers and Ricks 2015.

Sarah asked if I could film their wedding and I was happy to make that happen! I've actually filmed all of her sibling's weddings now; including her sister Amanda (husband Brian) in 2000, her brother Andrew (wife Michelle) in 2007 and her sister Katie (husband Ken) in 2013 (Blog here)!

Josh and Sarah got married at Zion Evangelical United Church of Christ in Indianapolis, IN.

Check out the wedding Teaser and Recap video below!

-The Media Buff