Baby Ricks: Infant Photography

I recently had the pleasure of photographing my friend Sarah and Josh's new baby, Isabelle. I haven't done any infant photography in a while so I jumped at the opportunity to help my friends capture some priceless shots of their newborn.

I was eager to get some great poses and different backgrounds/textures. I did my research and found some cool poses, because I don't quite have them committed to memory. I then scoured for some wonderful and engaging backgrounds. This included various blankets and props.

My friend Sarah and her husband Josh are also huge football fans, the only problem is Sarah is a Colts fan and Josh is a Patriots fan... classic rivals. This made for some exciting images, because I know one day Isabelle will be forced to choose so it'll give her some options! Haha.

Infants can be a challenge; as they either want to eat, sleep or pout. Isabelle was no exception, however she was a true sport and we managed to get a ton of great shots and expressions. My favorite is how her eyes really pop.

Before this shoot I decided I wanted to try to use Lightroom to edit the photos. I've had the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite for a while now but hadn't downloaded Lightroom to try, until now. I had only used Photoshop to edit photos. Once I captured all the images, I went to sort the best shots. I then brought them into Lightroom and once I became a little more familiar with the program, I was able to tweak the photos and get some great edits going. I actually really liked Lightroom and it was great for batch editing, easily keeping the photos looking like they were in the same edit family and exporting.

I had a blast capturing some beautiful shots of a sweet, growing family, and providing some priceless images for some good friends.

-The Media Buff

P.S. I recently completed their 2015 wedding, you can check out that blog HERE!