Alex Jensen: Senior

I recently had the opportunity to photograph the son of a longtime friend from church. With that, I've known his son, Alex, since he was a little guy.

Alex has matured into such a smart, put together young man. It was a pleasure to photograph Alex. We traveled to several different locations including Main Street in Speedway, IN and Holliday Park in Indianapolis, IN. Alex and his family are from Speedway, so having the opportunity to buzz on over to some older, vintage locations was a blast. Speedway, IN is known for the Indy 500, but it's more than that. It has a wonderful, eclectic and varied Main Street, complete with all the textures one would want for a Senior photo shoot!

Then we trekked on over to Holliday Park for some natural shots. The park has some really diverse locations as well, including some architecture, pathways and greenery.

I loved Alex's style and the shots we got were really fun and unique. Check them out below.

- The Media Buff