It's Gonna Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You...
Built, Craft, Family, Filmography, Friends, Music, Personal, The Media BuffKeith Harshbargervideo, travel, Film, Family, art, friend, church, design, eagle church, africa
Ignite Camp 2017
Built, Design, Drawing, Filmography, ignite camp, Personal, Music, Photography, Church, Ignite Camp BlogKeith Harshbargerignite camp, youth group, camp, eagle church
2016 - It's Been a Busy Year... So Far. Mega Blog Alert!
Built, Church, Design, Filmography, Friends, ignite camp, Music, Personal, Photography, Fraternity, Year-in-ReviewKeith Harshbargermedia buff, video, logo, recaps, eagle church, christ, design, film, graphics, interviews, jesus, kid, youth group, production, photography, mission, t-shirt, summer, fraternity, phi kappa theta, guatemala, Year-in-Review
Ignite Camp 2016
Church, Design, Filmography, ignite camp, Photography, Music, The Media Buff, Ignite Camp BlogKeith Harshbargereagle church, ignite camp, design, recaps, recap, video, photography
The Dancing Light Wall
Built, Design, Drawing, Halloween, MusicKeith HarshbargerDance, art, construction, design, foam core, graphics, halloween, holidays, production, video
The Hunter Smith Band