It's Gonna Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You...
Built, Craft, Family, Filmography, Friends, Music, Personal, The Media BuffKeith Harshbargervideo, travel, Film, Family, art, friend, church, design, eagle church, africa
Ignite Camp 2017
Built, Design, Drawing, Filmography, ignite camp, Personal, Music, Photography, Church, Ignite Camp BlogKeith Harshbargerignite camp, youth group, camp, eagle church
#TBT Michelle + Andrew: 05-19-2007
Baby Ricks: Infant Photography
"The Year In Creativity Blog" 2016 Edition
MC Hammer - Halloween 2016
Costumes, Design, FX Makeup, Halloween, PersonalKeith Harshbargerart, costume, fx makeup, halloween, makeup, special effects, mc hammer